Ep22: Using Energetic Intelligence to Make the Right Decisions for Your Business with Bethany Perry

Business success that satisfies at a soul level is definitely more sustainable! In this Episode Bethany shares a wealth of knowledge  around developing energetic intelligence as a tool for personal and business development. We as business owners and people in general are constantly receiving information, and energetic intelligence helps us trust the information and apply it in our circumstances. 

Key points:

  1. Heart centered entrepreneurship is sustainable and profitable

  2. Developing energetic intelligence for better decision making in business

  3. Understanding that we are constantly receiving information from 6 areas - spiritual, physiological, psychological, emotional, behavioral, relational.

  4. What energetic intelligence looks like in the everyday business decisions

  5. Personal development has a positive impact on our business  


Free Quiz - find out what your success superpower is at bethperry.com/quiz

Website - www.BethPerry.com

IG www.Instagram.com/thekaizenwoman 

FB personal page: www.Facebook.com/Bethany.Geary 

FB biz: www.Facebook.com/thekaizenwoman 

FB Group: www.Facebook.com/groups/thekaizenwoman 


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